TC39 Roundup Drama Edition Part II: JS0 and JSSugar

In this episode, Surma talks about a presenation-maybe-soon-to-be-a-proposal "JS0", which explores the idea of splitting JavaScript into two specifications: JS0, focusing on security, performance and capabilties, implemented by engines; and JSSugar, focussing on developer productivity and syntactic sugar features implemented by build tools.

Notes & Corrections:

  • Yes, I know, people still do have to step through assembler. But I stand behind the essence of my point: The debug symbols for compiled languages feel very reliable. We should be able to at least match that reliability in JavaScript.
  • Guy Bedford currently works at Fastly.


  1. Surma:Welcome back! Welcome back? No, this time it's actually a welcome back to a brand new episode of OTMT. I am Surma.
  2. Jake:I love the way you started. Too high there, realised you couldn't sustain it, and just
  3. Jake:came down an octave for the rest. I'm Jake, by the way. Hello.
  4. Surma:And this is our podcast. And thanks to Shopify for letting us do this and giving us some money.
  5. Jake:I mean, they don't give us money to do this. Well, they pay for the hosting, but, yeah.
  6. Surma:They do, yeah. Yeah, it's how society works.
  7. Jake:They pay us to do other things. Which I think is fair enough. That seems fair, doesn't it?
  8. Jake:Right, so are you going to apologise to the listeners for what you did?
  9. Surma:Yes, it was genuinely not planned to make this a two-part. I'm basically pulling a wicket.
  10. Jake:What's that? No?
  11. Surma:Like, didn't you hear the whole drama that wicked the movie where they turned the musical into a movie? A two-hour-thirty-movie?
  12. Surma:And it turns out it's a two-parter, so it's gonna be another two-hour-and-thirty-movie coming out, even though the musical itself is two hours long with intermission.
  13. Surma:What? I am shocked. Shocked, I say!
  14. Jake:I didn't know that. OK, yes, OK, that's outside of my sphere of knowledge. Hey, look, musicals
  15. Jake:are not my thing, I have to say. Yeah. Ah, oh, there you go. I mean, I've seen musicals.
  16. Surma:Well, that's what happens when you live with a musicologist.
  17. Jake:I've seen enough to know. I was once musical curious, but I gave it a try and I just decided
  18. Jake:I just didn't like it. So I'm not against people who like musicals. I think it's fine.
  19. Surma:As long as they do it in their own home.
  20. Jake:Yeah, as long as they don't rub it in my face, I'm fine with it. And I'd say, you know, they're
  21. Jake:fine people, it's just not for me.
  22. Surma:Yes, so my sincerest apologies to our listeners. I started the last episode saying,
  23. Surma:we're gonna talk about two proposals, and then we jabbered on about the first one for so long that the second episode felt like abuse.
  24. Surma:So, that means we now have an entire episode where we talk about the juicy, the dramaful, the beautiful JS Zero proposal.
  25. Jake:Oh, here we go. Yes, yes, finally. Right. This is what I want.
  26. Surma:Shall we just jump straight in?
  27. Jake:Just give me all the drama. Come on. Been waiting weeks for this.
  28. Surma:So, I guess, first asterisk. Is it a proposal? I'm actually not sure.
  29. Surma:So, it was talked about in the last face-to-face meeting of TC39 in October,
  30. Surma:and it was just a slight deck scheduled in the open-ended discussion category.
  31. Surma:Well, that's the thing, right? So, this slight deck that was presented was linked to in the agenda,
  32. Jake:And it kicked up a big ol' stink, if social media is to be believed.
  33. Surma:which is public, as it should be for a standards body, so I'm applauding them.
  34. Surma:And the slight deck was, you know, in the open-ended discussion category.
  35. Jake:Mmm.
  36. Surma:was linked to in the agenda, which is public, as it should be for a standards body, so I'm applauding them.
  37. Surma:And the slight deck was, you know, made and presented by Shu, our former colleague at the Googles.
  38. Surma:But the slight deck also lists other people, one person from Google, that being Shu,
  39. Surma:two people from Mozilla, two people from Apple, one person from Modable, and one person from Sony.
  40. Surma:So, this is not just a proposal, or this is not a slight deck, I should say, where they go like,
  41. Jake:Oh, interesting, because, I mean, with the drama that I saw, and like I say, I've, well,
  42. Surma:LOL, Google doing shit, but this was actually, you know, run by other people and other browser people.
  43. Surma:LOL, Google doing shit, but this was actually, you know, run by other people and other browser people.
  44. Jake:like I said in the previous episode, I've been, because I knew you were going to do
  45. Jake:this episode, I've been trying to keep myself away from it, so I'm hearing this for the
  46. Surma:LOL, Google doing shit, but this was actually, you know, run by other people and other browser people.
  47. Jake:first time, but very much the information I saw suggested that Google is trying to destroy
  48. Jake:JavaScript forever.
  49. Surma:Yes, and that is true. No, no it's not.
  50. Surma:So, there is a delineation that is also, again, made very explicit in the slight deck itself.
  51. Surma:These people who are listed on the first slide as like, you know, we want to talk about this,
  52. Surma:they all agree on the problem at hand, and they agree that something should be done.
  53. Jake:Mmm.
  54. Surma:The actual, quote-unquote, proposal, the thing that is proposed, showcased as a potential solution for this problem,
  55. Jake:Oh, okay, so this is where the Google's killing JavaScript bits come into it. I see, so it's
  56. Surma:called JS0, is by Google. It's the preferred solution by Google,
  57. Surma:and may or may not be the preferred solution of these other people working for these other companies.
  58. Jake:not totally made up. Oh.
  59. Surma:Yeah, maybe. That being said, when I looked to a slight deck, I liked it.
  60. Surma:I was not, there's nuances, and we hopefully, we're going to talk about all of these,
  61. Surma:but as not a language implementer, JavaScript implementer,
  62. Surma:but someone who has recently dabbled in trying to build their own language,
  63. Surma:I thought that proposal is quite good.
  64. Surma:Anyway, the reason the drama is interesting is because it was presented on October 8th.
  65. Jake:Okay, okay, come on then.
  66. Surma:The drama on Twitter was on October 5th.
  67. Jake:Oh.
  68. Surma:So, someone stumbled over, because the agenda is public, and the slight decks were linked,
  69. Surma:somebody stumbled over this, and decided to do a Twitter thread.
  70. Jake:I mean, look, I don't blame them for that. That's a juicy slide deck. I, look at this,
  71. Surma:It's a juicy slight deck.
  72. Jake:look at this data, it looks utterly terrifying. We should talk about what's in the slide deck,
  73. Jake:because I have looked at the slide deck.
  74. Surma:That's what I want to talk about.
  75. Surma:So, I haven't really made up my mind whether I want to link to the Twitter thread,
  76. Surma:because I feel like it did go viral, at least for the standards of a TC39-related topic,
  77. Surma:but also, I don't want that person to necessarily get griefed if people think they were being a bit overzealous,
  78. Surma:but also, I worry that the thread might not age super well.
  79. Surma:So, I'd rather link to the slight deck and the official things, and people can hopefully,
  80. Jake:Yes, so it was basically that Google is replacing JavaScript with Dart, right?
  81. Surma:well, I'm going to say, form their own opinion after listening to my opinion for what is probably going to be two hours.
  82. Surma:So, let's see.
  83. Surma:So, I'll try and explain this proposal, the slight deck, and how I understand it, and how it's motivated,
  84. Surma:and maybe I can weave in a couple of the misunderstandings or the concerns that I've seen, and talk a bit about them.
  85. Surma:No, that was about ten years ago.
  86. Jake:Right.
  87. Surma:They did do that, and then they backpedaled on that.
  88. Jake:Okay, cool, good.
  89. Surma:This one is actually, at its core, quite simple.
  90. Jake:All right.
  91. Surma:It splits the JavaScript language into two layers.
  92. Jake:Right.
  93. Surma:There is the JS0 layer, that is JavaScript, as it is implemented by what TC39 calls implementers.
  94. Surma:So, those are the engines, the browsers, the BUNs, the DNOs of this world.
  95. Surma:Well, I guess, you know, both BUN and DNO actually just use an engine from a browser, but you know what I mean.
  96. Jake:Yes, sure.
  97. Surma:And JS0 would probably be what JavaScript is today.
  98. Surma:Kind of like, that's JS0.
  99. Surma:The second layer, second part, is JSSugar, which would kind of be its own separate specification,
  100. Surma:but a proper, like, standard specification, and that's the JavaScript that developers write.
  101. Surma:So, now there's a separation between what browsers or what implementers can execute, and what developers would write.
  102. Jake:Okay, and so there's nothing new about this. I mean, we've been doing this for, well, we've
  103. Surma:Kind of, yeah.
  104. Surma:Exactly.
  105. Jake:had that split for years, right? Like, we've, I know that when I open up, like, JSpin or
  106. Jake:CodePen or whatever, like, I'm in raw JavaScript mode, and whereas when I'm pretty much writing
  107. Jake:code for most of the time, I'm writing TypeScript, so I am writing some sort of sugar on top.
  108. Jake:Okay.
  109. Surma:I think that's where a lot of the tension was seen by some of the developers who feel strongly about writing vanilla.
  110. Surma:So, we can dive into that a bit.
  111. Surma:So, the idea would be is that now, basically, it is part of the standardized process of writing JavaScript
  112. Surma:is that there has to be a translation tool that translates JSSugar into JS0.
  113. Jake:Cool.
  114. Surma:And you're right, that is already reality in most scenarios.
  115. Jake:Wait, do I have to type this out?
  116. Jake:Yes, you do.
  117. Surma:Like, you have your Babels, or your SWCs, or Rolldowns, or TSC.
  118. Jake:Okay.
  119. Jake:Okay.
  120. Jake:Okay.
  121. Jake:Okay.
  122. Jake:So, I'm going to type it out.
  123. Surma:You have, usually, in any non-throwaway setup, a tool that processes your JavaScript.
  124. Jake:Okay.
  125. Jake:Okay.
  126. Jake:Okay.
  127. Jake:Okay.
  128. Jake:Okay.
  129. Jake:Okay.
  130. Jake:Okay.
  131. Jake:What was it?
  132. Surma:At the very least, for minification, but most of the time, you have some sort of target ES2016,
  133. Jake:Okay.
  134. Jake:Okay.
  135. Jake:Okay.
  136. Jake:Okay.
  137. Jake:Okay.
  138. Jake:Okay.
  139. Jake:Okay.
  140. Surma:because you want to write ES2020 and use newer features, but then it gets transpiled down to an older version of JavaScript
  141. Jake:Okay.
  142. Jake:Okay.
  143. Jake:Okay.
  144. Jake:Okay.
  145. Jake:Okay.
  146. Jake:Okay.
  147. Jake:Okay.
  148. Jake:Okay.
  149. Jake:Okay.
  150. Surma:because it has broader support by browsers, and so you have to worry less.
  151. Jake:There's two worlds where this could happen.
  152. Surma:And this is kind of like, what if we standardize that?
  153. Surma:And it's not just for the LOLs, right?
  154. Jake:Or two ways it could go.
  155. Jake:One way would be like, okay, TypeScript is now brought in as part of JS Sugar.
  156. Jake:It's standardized, so it's now not just Microsoft making all the decisions.
  157. Jake:It's more of a sort of cross-company thing.
  158. Jake:But it's kind of acknowledged that this will never work just straight in a browser console.
  159. Jake:It's always going to be something that is compiled down to normal JavaScript.
  160. Jake:And I am actually fine with that, because I never really had an expectation of TypeScript
  161. Jake:ever making it into browsers proper.
  162. Jake:The other way it could go is that new features that developers want come along, and user
  163. Jake:agents, you know, the people on TC39 that are very powerful, because they write the
  164. Surma:I think this is the line that has to be made.
  165. Jake:JavaScript engines.
  166. Jake:They're part of browsers.
  167. Jake:They're part of, you know, Google, Firefox, Apple.
  168. Surma:I think this is the line that has to be defined and then carefully walked.
  169. Jake:They say, we can't be bothered with that, so it goes in JS Sugar.
  170. Jake:And that's where everything goes from now on, and it really forks the language completely.
  171. Jake:And features that you would expect, like maybe things like async await, you know, in this
  172. Jake:new world would have ended up in Sugar and never worked in the browser proper.
  173. Jake:And I think that's the case that people are afraid of, and so am I, I think.
  174. Surma:Because I think that is the risk.
  175. Surma:But the motivation that they list in the slide deck, I actually have some sympathy for.
  176. Surma:Because the tension that they very explicitly describe is,
  177. Jake:Thank you.
  178. Jake:Thank you.
  179. Jake:Thank you.
  180. Jake:
  181. Surma:they, as implementers and as standard body contributors,
  182. Surma:they're in this to help developers be productive in JavaScript.
  183. Surma:They want to make sure that they can use the paradigms that they need and want,
  184. Surma:and that they can express all the things they need to express to write good web apps.
  185. Surma:But at the same time, JavaScript has become so ubiquitous and is used in so many different forms and shapes
  186. Jake:Thank you.
  187. Jake:Thank you.
  188. Jake:Thank you.
  189. Jake:
  190. Surma:that each addition to an engine, and that's what JavaScript language features are,
  191. Surma:they're an addition to an engine,
  192. Surma:needs to come with a lot of work to ensure stability and security and, of course, also performance.
  193. Surma:Because that's, in the end, what the end users feel.
  194. Surma:And that is arguably the main responsibility of the implementers, right?
  195. Jake:Yeah, that's the thing.
  196. Surma:They need to allow developers to do the thing while keeping the things stable and fast and secure for the end users.
  197. Surma:And I think most of us, many of us at least, already feel like JavaScript evolves very slowly.
  198. Jake:It's like, it's not like CSS, which seems to like, especially these days, is growing
  199. Jake:features at an amazing rate, whereas, as you say, JavaScript sort of, yeah, it kind of
  200. Surma:Yeah.
  201. Jake:has a couple of features a year.
  202. Surma:But from an implementer's side, it's kind of like it's actually evolving too fast almost.
  203. Surma:They struggle to keep the bar for performance and security that they have set for themselves
  204. Surma:or have been set for them by others.
  205. Surma:Just implementing support for a syntax is one thing, but then doing it correctly so it's fast and secure,
  206. Surma:I think it's easy to forget how much work goes into it.
  207. Surma:I don't want to speak for it because I've never done it myself.
  208. Surma:I've never worked on the engine myself.
  209. Surma:But I can see how, you know, we know that when forEach and map came around,
  210. Surma:that people were like, oh, but for loops are faster.
  211. Surma:And then work went into to make these functional paradigms faster because people wanted to use them
  212. Surma:and it actually has additional benefits for optimization.
  213. Surma:It's like there is a lot of long tail work for each of these features so that they actually make sense.
  214. Surma:And so basically, this split in audiences, one audience being developers who want to be productive
  215. Surma:and expressive and write terse and good code, optimized code,
  216. Jake:But that's the bits I'm worried about.
  217. Surma:and the other audience being end users who want a reliable and stable and high-performing engine
  218. Surma:in their browser and all the web apps work,
  219. Surma:it's kind of the split that is now reflected here in the language.
  220. Surma:So, JS 0, I would assume, would end up being very slow-moving as a language.
  221. Surma:I assume it would almost be frozen.
  222. Surma:I think JS 0 would only evolve for things that cannot be built at the level of JS Sugar
  223. Surma:or things that are just not working efficiently when implemented at the JS Sugar level.
  224. Surma:For example, I would say something like generators and async generators
  225. Surma:because they're not just like a simple desugaring.
  226. Surma:They have to generate a whole state machine and require a runtime.
  227. Surma:And I think that would be an example where that is something that goes into JS 0
  228. Surma:rather than into JS Sugar.
  229. Surma:Similarly, shared structs.
  230. Surma:That is something that I do not think can be realistically built at the JS Sugar level
  231. Surma:and be compiled down to the status quo.
  232. Surma:That is something that needs built-in engine support
  233. Surma:and also something that, as a result, will need lots of time being reviewed
  234. Surma:from a security and privacy perspective with Spectre and Meltdown
  235. Surma:and all the things that kind of factor into this.
  236. Jake:Yeah, so, but let's talk about things like, you know,, which is pretty helpful
  237. Surma:Yes, I think that's a prime example.
  238. Surma:Or like a proposal that recently made it to stage 4 is the iterator helpers.
  239. Jake:for getting, like, the last item of an array.
  240. Surma:Where now iterators have .map, .filter, all these things.
  241. Jake:Is that the kind of thing that's going to end up in JS Sugar land?
  242. Surma:Easy thing to put into JS Sugar.
  243. Surma:Really simple to implement as a simple desugaring.
  244. Surma:It's like you turn one line of code into another line of code.
  245. Surma:It's very simple to implement.
  246. Jake:Yes.
  247. Surma:And I think that's something that's going to be very useful in the future.
  248. Surma:The advantage here would be that JS Sugar advances quicker
  249. Surma:because it's something that is not implemented at the engine level,
  250. Surma:but it is implemented at the tooling level.
  251. Surma:So that's something that only needs...
  252. Surma:There's still a standard and there's still the same processes.
  253. Surma:There's still agreement and consensus needs to be reached
  254. Surma:for something to get into JS Sugar.
  255. Surma:And I think that's something that's going to be very useful in the future.
  256. Surma:for something to get into JS Sugar.
  257. Surma:But then you don't have to actually work through a browser release cycle,
  258. Jake:Yeah, let's say, oh, we can't do in a fast way.
  259. Surma:which is also good for browsers that have very slow release cycles sometimes.
  260. Surma:Once it's landed in JS Sugar,
  261. Surma:it will probably be in tooling a lot quicker than it could be in a browser
  262. Surma:also because it does not have security implications
  263. Surma:because security is solved at the layer below.
  264. Surma:So that's how this is framed as a good thing, as a win-win.
  265. Jake:Or a secure way.
  266. Jake:But then people are going to be using a Sugar implementation, which either has those problems
  267. Jake:or doesn't.
  268. Jake:And if it doesn't have those problems, then why couldn't the browser just do it?
  269. Jake:Or, you know, I understand that if they're writing this stuff in, like, Zygo or C++ or
  270. Jake:whatever, that's, you know, they're in a more security sensitive zone.
  271. Surma:And I think the other difference is whose job is it to implement it?
  272. Jake:But why can't polyfills just be, like, done in JavaScript?
  273. Jake:Within the browser.
  274. Jake:But I guess the one difference between that is the versioning, right?
  275. Jake:It's like, you know, with JS Sugar, it's done by a tool which I'm in control of the version
  276. Jake:of, whereas with browser level features, it's the browser version.
  277. Surma:I think one of the parts that they're calling out
  278. Surma:is that the people who work on these engines
  279. Surma:are already stretched maintaining the bar.
  280. Surma:So if stuff that can be removed as work from them
  281. Surma:and be moved to other people,
  282. Surma:that would help move those more capability-focused features
  283. Surma:to move along quicker or with more confidence
  284. Surma:because they were also listing that there have been some security incidents
  285. Surma:in the last years, I suppose, around JavaScript features that were shipped.
  286. Surma:The other thing that I thought was quite interesting
  287. Surma:is that they spent a lot of time implementing features
  288. Surma:and doing it right and doing it in high-performance ways,
  289. Jake:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think for a good long while now.
  290. Surma:which took a long time.
  291. Surma:And they still can't get the ecosystem to actually use these features natively
  292. Surma:because people just continue using their transpilers.
  293. Surma:So this is stuff like async generators or decorators.
  294. Surma:I think decorators maybe is not a great example,
  295. Surma:but async generators are implemented natively in all browsers, I want to say.
  296. Surma:And they just don't see them getting used natively
  297. Surma:because people continue to transpile them.
  298. Surma:For the people who are employed here
  299. Jake:Yeah, yeah, definitely.
  300. Surma:and for the companies that pay these engineers,
  301. Surma:that feels like money wasted.
  302. Surma:And that's not maybe the right way to look at it.
  303. Surma:That's a problem of the ecosystem,
  304. Surma:that they don't automatically look after that transpiler configuration.
  305. Surma:But we know this problem, that an ecosystem is really hard to move.
  306. Surma:We still find people nowadays shipping promise polyfills in their bundles.
  307. Surma:And it's really hard to...
  308. Surma:So I'm really torn here.
  309. Surma:On the one hand, I'm like, this will lead to shipping bigger bundles.
  310. Surma:If the point is that nice syntactically terse features
  311. Surma:are now implemented at the JS sugar level
  312. Surma:and getting desugared, which usually means more code,
  313. Surma:will mean bundles get bigger
  314. Surma:so that developers can use nicer features at the language level.
  315. Surma:Is it significant? I don't know.
  316. Surma:But native support usually means smaller bundles.
  317. Surma:But then again, I can't really blame implementers
  318. Surma:for working with the data they see in reality
  319. Surma:in that even if they do implement it natively
  320. Surma:and would allow you to ship smaller bundles and faster code,
  321. Surma:people don't because for some reason they're too lazy
  322. Surma:or they don't know how to set up their transpilers appropriately
  323. Surma:so that they make use of new native language features.
  324. Surma:And so I can't really blame them for working with that.
  325. Surma:And I think that then they can manage their performance
  326. Jake:I'm really torn on this because on one hand, like, yeah, I see the issue, the security
  327. Jake:issue and whatever.
  328. Surma:without the aspect of a new standard or prescription
  329. Jake:But then I also see, like, two of the richest companies in the world, Google and Apple.
  330. Surma:for better performance on ASP.
  331. Surma:...and there's another big issue with tooling.
  332. Jake:It almost feels like a collusion of, like, well, what if we just stopped competing on
  333. Surma:They seem to have more tools than an implementer
  334. Surma:and they have more options than an implementer.
  335. Surma:And while you realize that their persones are in corporate role here,
  336. Jake:these features and our lives would be much easier?
  337. Surma:what, like, if an employee does the things right here,
  338. Surma:the work is being moved to tooling,
  339. Surma:which I don't think as a concept is unreasonable.
  340. Jake:Yes.
  341. Surma:But if we're talking about reality,
  342. Surma:the reality is that a lot of the tooling people are volunteers.
  343. Surma:I know there's lots of companies that sponsor now,
  344. Surma:like, you know, that make donations for, like,
  345. Surma:Rollup and Rolldown and Veed and, like, all these tools,
  346. Surma:but is that enough to justify you are now
  347. Surma:part of a standards body, if you want to or not,
  348. Surma:and you have to implement this,
  349. Surma:and now you will have more pressure from the ecosystem
  350. Surma:to actually quickly implement any new proposal that lands
  351. Surma:and probably even have, like, stage one, stage two flags in your tools
  352. Surma:because people want to opt in early or something.
  353. Surma:And that is also something that was pointed out
  354. Surma:by other people at TC39,
  355. Surma:where that is just a dynamic that we need to be really mindful of.
  356. Surma:And then, you know, there's also the second order effects,
  357. Surma:which, like you said,
  358. Surma:what does this mean for stuff like CodePen or JSbin?
  359. Surma:I mean, the obvious solution is, like,
  360. Surma:they could run a transpiler in the browser.
  361. Surma:You can run Rollup in the browser.
  362. Jake:It's already the case to some degree with TypeScript, right?
  363. Surma:But is vanilla JS dead?
  364. Surma:And is that a bad thing, right?
  365. Surma:Like, to an extent, I almost see a parallel to WebAssembly here
  366. Surma:where, like, I'm one of the weirdos that does sometimes write
  367. Surma:handcraft WebAssembly because I enjoy that,
  368. Surma:but that's obviously not the intended use case.
  369. Surma:Will it be the same with JS0 at some point,
  370. Surma:where people go, like, I'm a weirdo, I write JS0,
  371. Surma:and most people just actually write another language
  372. Surma:and it gets compiled to JS?
  373. Jake:Yes.
  374. Surma:I think this proposal has merit.
  375. Jake:Yes.
  376. Jake:
  377. Surma:There is something to be said about, like,
  378. Surma:acknowledging the reality of how JavaScript is used today
  379. Surma:and actually standardizing it.
  380. Surma:The fact that even just now being able to talk,
  381. Surma:you know, vanilla JS is always a bit hand-wavy
  382. Surma:because, like, what is vanilla JS
  383. Surma:if it's constantly evolving in the browsers?
  384. Surma:The split of JS0 and JS Sugar,
  385. Surma:even though maybe that's not the names, right,
  386. Surma:but, like, having those as well-defined
  387. Surma:and even standardized entities feels good.
  388. Surma:Whether it actually means just,
  389. Jake:Yeah, I wouldn't mind that.
  390. Surma:it should just be implemented by tooling is different.
  391. Surma:Maybe, like you kind of hinted at,
  392. Surma:maybe it is something that the browser also supports.
  393. Surma:Like, why shouldn't the browser bundle a JS Sugar implementation?
  394. Surma:But it's something that is then implemented at a separate layer
  395. Surma:that can be maybe maintained by other people
  396. Surma:or fewer people in the browser,
  397. Surma:and then the lower layer of JS0
  398. Surma:is where all the security-sensitive work happens, for example.
  399. Jake:I wouldn't mind that.
  400. Jake:I think that would be...
  401. Jake:And then, like, you know, once performance issues were identified, then maybe, yes,
  402. Jake:that bit could be brought into, you know, C++, Lansing, whatever.
  403. Surma:And, you know, maybe it would finally allow us to use BindOperator,
  404. Surma:which I know the two of us always wanted and never got,
  405. Surma:and we could just have it.
  406. Surma:It's interesting to me because, like,
  407. Surma:I think we both have often said, like,
  408. Surma:JavaScript, like we've said a couple times now as well,
  409. Surma:like, people who don't bundle or don't use any processing,
  410. Surma:just, they leave performance on the ground.
  411. Jake:Yeah, and I agree, and I still say that there is, like, an implementation
  412. Surma:Like, it's free performance, free file size
  413. Surma:that they could have by just running a bundler or a minifier.
  414. Surma:Nobody expects you to write Rust or C++ without running a compiler.
  415. Surma:Why should JavaScript be different?
  416. Surma:Especially because JavaScript is so special
  417. Surma:as being on a streaming platform
  418. Surma:where file size matters oh so much
  419. Surma:compared to all the other languages
  420. Surma:where on almost any native format,
  421. Surma:file size doesn't really matter.
  422. Jake:of this, which I like, which is, like, TypeScript is brought into it, and then that gets sort
  423. Jake:of more scrutiny, I guess, more careful development.
  424. Jake:Maybe some of the mistakes TypeScript has made in the past are less likely to happen
  425. Jake:in the future.
  426. Surma:Yeah.
  427. Jake:It's not just one company in control of it.
  428. Jake:Like, that all sounds good, but then I think the reason I feel icky about it is the ghost
  429. Jake:of IE6, you know, is still there, and this was a time where, like, you know, Microsoft
  430. Jake:dominated the browser space, and they just stopped, because they didn't have to do any
  431. Jake:more work.
  432. Jake:And whereas this is a different shape, because, you know, the other browsers are still there,
  433. Jake:but yeah, it feels like they're all shaking hands and going, well, wouldn't our lives
  434. Jake:easier if we just all, you know, didn't bother anymore?
  435. Jake:Like, we all, like, it's, yeah, we all just colluded just to say, we'll stop it.
  436. Surma:Yeah.
  437. Surma:But, I mean, that's not really what is being said, right?
  438. Surma:Let's think.
  439. Surma:I think they said something that language would evolve
  440. Surma:is just about they would focus on capabilities.
  441. Jake:No, and that's two extremes of implementation of this, right?
  442. Jake:And even with the best of intents now, it's not necessarily where it will land.
  443. Surma:Yeah.
  444. Jake:Like, so another thing that I'm reminded of is, feels like I'm just, like, shitting on
  445. Surma:Yeah.
  446. Jake:Microsoft constantly, but it is another example here, is when Microsoft dropped its engine,
  447. Jake:and they said, like, well, the great thing about us dropping our engine and getting Chromium
  448. Jake:instead, it's like, we can all now work on Chromium, which was genuinely, I believe,
  449. Jake:the intent at the time.
  450. Jake:But then people higher up in the company went, wait a minute, we don't have to.
  451. Surma:Yeah.
  452. Jake:So because Google will do it.
  453. Jake:So we can do, we do other things.
  454. Jake:And I worry that with this agreement in place, that JavaScript now doesn't have to have any
  455. Surma:And you know what?
  456. Jake:new features implemented by browser engineers.
  457. Jake:Yeah, but we're going to work super hard on the other stuff.
  458. Jake:Someone higher up at Google is going, well, the ads team could use some more engineers.
  459. Surma:I think that it's at the very least a valid concern, right?
  460. Surma:Like for me, there was also the parallel.
  461. Surma:If now J0 is kind of like a compile target, is it just a stepping stone that we just
  462. Surma:compile JavaScript to Wasm at some point?
  463. Surma:I mean, Wasm is currently a really shitty target for dynamically typed languages.
  464. Surma:Like, it's just not very good.
  465. Surma:Like with WasmGC, it's a step in the right direction, but really, like, it's still not
  466. Jake:Flutter, as well, right, Flutter, it's just like, well, we'll just ship our own engine.
  467. Surma:good for dynamic typing.
  468. Surma:But at the same time, like, maybe that is something that at some point would happen
  469. Surma:that we're like, no, just don't, we don't choose a language anymore.
  470. Surma:All the processing, compiling, transpiling happens outside the browser, and you just
  471. Surma:ship one binary format to us, which I don't know, that could happen.
  472. Surma:That's kind of how phones work, right, with, yeah.
  473. Jake:Today, I should try them again, because I've never had a great experience with Salesforce,
  474. Surma:One other thing that people did flag is like, they were worried about the debugging experience.
  475. Surma:And I'm like, I mean, we have source maps, and as much as I do not like them, they work
  476. Surma:pretty reliably nowadays.
  477. Surma:Like I'm always impressed that...
  478. Surma:It's like recently, whenever I built stuff with Vite, I stepped through my TypeScript
  479. Jake:but that might be my fault.
  480. Surma:code.
  481. Surma:But I agree, like, I have the same gut feeling, I was like, but they're not robust, are they?
  482. Surma:But then I keep thinking as well, you know, like, no engineer working on systems stuff
  483. Surma:steps through Assembler, they step through their C++, C, or Rust code.
  484. Surma:So this problem has been solved, and maybe source maps just aren't the right solution
  485. Surma:or the right enough solution, and we just need to, you know, learn more from them.
  486. Surma:Like I'm talking about, like, I know a lot about this, but I think this is a problem
  487. Jake:That's fair, you've made an annoyingly good point.
  488. Surma:that is solvable because it has been solved for all those compiled languages.
  489. Surma:Like you can step through your C++ code and inspect the values, even though what is actually
  490. Surma:being executed is machine code on your processor.
  491. Surma:So why should JavaScript to JavaScript be suddenly so much harder?
  492. Surma:But clearly, it is not at the point where we feel confident about that.
  493. Surma:So that is work that also would have to be done.
  494. Surma:So again, something to just be mindful of, like, it's still fair to be concerned about
  495. Surma:that.
  496. Surma:So that was effectively the rundown of J0.
  497. Surma:I think it's not an official proposal in the sense that there is, like, a repository, like,
  498. Surma:for all other proposals.
  499. Surma:I'm assuming something like this may come along at some point, stage 0, I suppose, because
  500. Surma:like I said, like, it was only talked about in TC39 as, like, a discussion.
  501. Jake:Well, that would have to change.
  502. Surma:And I guess we'll keep an eye on it, what this means for engines, for browsers, and
  503. Surma:also for tooling authors.
  504. Surma:Because this is, I think, for me, the biggest unknown, what it means to suddenly put more
  505. Surma:tooling people at the table at TC39, which I'm not even sure, like, you can't join as
  506. Surma:a single person.
  507. Surma:You have to have a company sponsor you, I think.
  508. Jake:If they're kicking the can down to, like, you know.
  509. Surma:Yeah, I, for example, yeah, like, I know that sometimes, like, some people are individuals
  510. Surma:and join TC39 as invited experts, like, Guy Bedford is one of these people who just has
  511. Surma:done, actually, a lot of proposals there.
  512. Surma:I mean, I don't know, now I'm claiming, like, he's an invited expert and not work, not coming
  513. Surma:sponsored by a company, but it is definitely possible.
  514. Surma:But I think you're right.
  515. Surma:I guess one of the things that probably should be revisited if now tooling people who are
  516. Surma:often just, like, open source volunteers are more or less forced to participate in this.
  517. Jake:Hm.
  518. Surma:And I hope that also then they would not be treated as, like, a second class member
  519. Surma:of the board.
  520. Surma:Because I don't know, like, you know, is now J0 the lead crew and then Jsugar the just
  521. Surma:desugaring code?
  522. Jake:I can see that happening.
  523. Surma:And of course, you know, another person also was saying, how is this preventing from just
  524. Jake:Yeah.
  525. Jake:It's interesting because it's going to be, like you were saying before, that they, you
  526. Surma:repeating the same mistakes?
  527. Surma:Like, how do we not just end up with another intermediate layer before we then have to
  528. Surma:start migrating features from Jsugar to Js0 for performance reasons, and we just basically
  529. Surma:end up in the same spot just with an even slower process?
  530. Surma:That also was quite interesting.
  531. Surma:So many things to think about.
  532. Surma:But like I said, it's an early proposal.
  533. Surma:So we have to have to just follow along and see what happens to our beloved JavaScript.
  534. Jake:know, we've made async iterators, but no one uses them.
  535. Jake:It's actually going to be harder to measure which of these JS sugar features are being
  536. Surma:On the scale of zero to bat with nails in it, you never know.
  537. Jake:used.
  538. Jake:Like you could look on npm for downloads of the package, but you don't know which of the
  539. Jake:features within it are being used, right, unless they have a use count, but no one would
  540. Jake:want that.
  541. Jake:So, okay.
  542. Jake:Yeah.
  543. Jake:I am, I am worried about this whole thing, but I'm not like, I'm not pitchfork level.
  544. Jake:I'm kind of interested to see where it goes.
  545. Jake:Yeah, I've got the, I've got a pitchfork on order, just in case.
  546. Surma:The right to bear pitchforks.
  547. Surma:I will definitely put links to the slide deck and any other resources that I used.
  548. Surma:If I did get anything wrong, I will put notes in the notes.
  549. Surma:And oh, yeah, because I built Wasmphobia, where I learned about how source maps work.
  550. Jake:You also did a good episode on source maps in general, which I think goes through some
  551. Jake:of the issues that we've had with them.
  552. Jake:Amazing.
  553. Surma:Yeah, we're going to link to that as well.
  554. Surma:Let's plug our own stuff.
  555. Jake:Bye!
  556. Surma:It's always great.
  557. Surma:Almost another 40 minutes.
  558. Surma:Oh, my God.
  559. Jake:All right.
  560. Surma:I think people might be very tired of me now.
  561. Surma:So I think I should not waste any more time and just say the only thing that is left to
  562. Surma:say at this point, which is happy next time.
  563. Jake:That was good.
  564. Jake: